How to Make 200 Dollars a Day Online (11 Ways to Earn Money)

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The world is quickly turning to the internet for most of their needs. And if you’ve been paying close attention to social media, you’ll see the rise of digital nomads who live and work wherever they choose. Such is the beauty of working online. 

So if you've been Googling how to make 200 dollars a day, and want to save up for that dream vacation of yours, here are all the ways you can reach financial satisfaction and independence.

How to make 200 dollars a day online

First off, I want to say that you can easily make $200 every day by applying for high-paying jobs. Of course, most of the time they’re either high-risk or pretty much extremely demanding. That is also not to mention the preparations you need to make in order to qualify for such jobs.

How to Make 200 Dollars a Day

If you’re lucky, you’ll find a job that doesn’t require a specific degree. If you’re unlucky, you’ll basically need to jump through hoops just to reach your dreams. Of course, there isn’t any way to get 200 dollars fast if you don’t want to work hard for it.

That said, you can make an easy 200 bucks if you find your passion and build from there. Let me break it down for you, any job will be difficult if you’re not enjoying it.

Think about it. If you enjoy doing something, it will barely feel like you’re working. Sure, some stress could be incorporated into the mix. That’s inevitable and is a part of life that we can never avoid. But if you choose to pursue something you truly enjoy, it will feel like you’re simply playing.

Now, let me remind you that even if you do enjoy doing something - for example writing or telling stories, that isn’t to say that you won’t have to work hard for it. In fact, I found that one of the biggest challenges in life is pursuing your passion and funding it.

So to help you succeed in financial stability while pursuing something other than an upper five digit paying 8 to 5 job, here are some of my tips just so you’re prepared and well-armed for the challenges ahead.

Be prepared to feel like a failure.

Pursuing anything that’s up to you can be difficult. And you should expect to not see any progress within the first few months. It’s incredibly rare for any venture to see any success on the first day of starting. Just make sure you steel your heart and continue to pursue what you’ve started.

Just because you aren’t seeing any progress yet doesn’t mean you won’t eventually see it.


Learn when to cut your losses.

On that note, you should be prepared to call it quits when it’s just not working. I’m not saying you should quit at the first sign of failure. That’s just part of the process. Although it is a part you can avoid if you do your research and prepare yourself adequately.

One of the ways to prevent losing more than you can afford is by drawing a clear line before you get started. I’m going to be frank with you. In some cases, you might need to fund yourself for a little while before you start seeing any profit or at the very least before your side hustle starts paying for itself.

That’s inevitable, and should be expected. However, you need to remind yourself that it isn't normal to spend years throwing money away at something that just doesn’t seem to be working. Be clear about your boundaries before you start and don’t be afraid to hit the brakes when it looks like you’re about to crash.

Don’t quit your day job just yet.

Although the dream would be to move to the Bahamas and work remotely from there or basically anywhere in the world, if your hustle isn’t stable, don’t quit your job yet. You need to be smart, and make sure you have something to fall back on in case things don’t pan out.

dont quit your day job yet

But that also doesn’t mean that you have to set aside your side hustle and focus more on your day job or vice versa. You need to find the right balance to make it work. After all, your side hustle won’t flourish if you don’t put the right amount of attention into it.

It might be hard to find the right balance at first, but you’ll eventually figure it out if you try hard enough.

Try more than one hustle.

Some of these suggestions are more passive or easier to handle than others. This means you can take two or three so you can more easily reach your daily monetary goal. Think about it: if you’re running ads on one platform which basically leaves you free to do anything else since it’s such a passive form of income, why don’t you do something else in the meantime like run an Etsy shop selling handmade crafts?

There are many ways to earn money online. I’m not going to lie to you, I’ve tried nearly all of them. But don’t make the same mistake I did. Stick to one or two and add more hustles as your schedule permits, You need to be on top of things and not feel like a zombie by the end of the day.

After all, how can you expect to succeed when you’re mentally and physically exhausted every day? News flash: you can’t.

Top ways to earn 200 dollars a day online

Let me be clear: I’m not telling you these are the only ways you can earn money onlineBecause they’re not. Realistically speaking, there are hundreds of ways you can earn money online.

There are even easier ways to do so as well. But these are the ways I found that are the most effective and the most in-demand in today’s climate.

With most of the world’s businesses turning to the digital world, this opens up plenty of opportunities for the likes of us who just want to be able to work at our own pace while making money at the same time.

1. Starting a blog

Blogging is one of the most lucrative ways you can earn a passive income. Of course, blogs are also pretty much high-maintenance. For example, when you’re starting out, you should post more frequently so you can build a directory of content that will help you rank better in search engines so you’re more visible.

Producing your blog content

Another reason why you need to stay active is because this maintains and even increases the level of engagement your website will get. Think about it: when is the last time you saw a website that hasn’t been updated in weeks?

Not only do search engines like Google hate sites that don’t post content on a regular basis, but this also sways potential viewers from visiting your platform just because it seems neglected and it isn’t at all relevant.

Pro tipTo make content creation easier, I use the best article rewriter and spinner. Check out these tools. Some of them are really good. I personally prefer ChimRewriter.

So, what are the ways you can earn money through blogging? I’ve listed them all down for you below:

Opening up ad space on your newsletters

One of the easiest ways to update your viewers about anything new on your blog is through newsletters. Companies and brands recognize this which is why the practice of running ads on newsletters has quickly grown in popularity.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll find advertisers who are interested in you just because you have a mailing list. You need to grow your directory and be able to show that it isn’t stagnant and that your engagement statistics are favorable for the company looking to get advertised.

social media with email marketing

This doesn't mean you need to have tens of thousands of emails at your disposal. A steady yet loyal database of over 500 contacts will be enough to convince potential clients as long as your open and click-through rates are high.

What do I mean about this? Make sure your list is valuable and not filled with ghosts. Having 10,000 people on your list means nothing if only 12 of them open your newsletters.

Write guest posts for other websites

Your blog is just another way to showcase your skills. Think of it as your own personal online portfolio. Many site owners require content writers to keep their engagement and content ratings high. Try to reach out to other blogs and see if they’re interested in having you write a guest post for them.

Your blogging experience will showcase exactly what you can do with your style of writing. Writing blog content also helps you show which niches you have an affinity in like your search engine optimization skills, writing for the tech or health industry, and more.

guest blogging

This is essentially what you could call freelancing. Like I said, blogging opens up many opportunities for you to earn money. “Renting” out your skills is just one of the many ways you can earn money.

Writing special features and creating paid content

You may be aware of sponsored content. It’s nothing new and has been around since brands figured out that using celebrities or well-known names in any industry is a good way to attract supporters. But it’s also become more readily available to “smaller” influencers in recent years thanks to the rise of content sites like YouTube or blogs.

Gone are the days where only celebrities would be contacted to promote products in exchange of monetary compensation aside from receiving free products or services.

Capitalize on this source of revenue by partnering with brands that would consider compensating you to promote their business. The amount you earn on collaborations like these vary from time to time. However, a fair estimate is around $100-$500 for small to medium brands.

I’d advise you to always have a clear conversation with whoever is contacting you before accepting these kinds of arrangements. For example, make sure you’re very clear about what you can and can not do for the brand.

Usually, photos and a short blog post is fair game and what would be expected of you.

However, some partnerships would require taking videos, testing or highlighting the brand a certain way, etc. While this isn’t impossible nor unethical to undertake, make sure you set boundaries and specify when, where, and how you’ll deliver their expectations.

This is also the time where you’re supposed to weigh what is expected of you. It’s a good practice to have a rate card of some sort ready for situations like these. Think of it this way, it will help you more reasonably value your efforts. While you shouldn’t take partnerships with brands that offer you an amount that is less than reasonable, you also shouldn’t overprice your services.

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is to set a specific word count as your maximum for blog posts. Say you could charge $50 for a 1,000-word blog post that includes photos of the product and promotion on your social platforms.

I usually proofread my posts with grammar checker tools like Grammarly. Alternatively, Prowritingaid is a similar great tool. I'm using both.

I also published a comparison: Prowritingaid vs Grammarly

Take the time to reflect and put yourself in your client’s shoes. How much would you honestly pay to be featured on your platform?

2. Jumpstarting your freelance career

Freelancing is quickly becoming a popular career choice for many people who want to earn a bit of extra money outside of the traditional employee setting. There are many perks to freelancing.

For one, it allows you to set your own fees. Some agencies take a portion of what a client actually pays.

For example, if you work under an outsourcing company and you get paid a certain amount each month to write content for various companies, expect that the money you’re receiving is way less compared to what you would receive if you were to work directly for the client.

So, what are the most popular freelancing jobs?

There are many opportunities online for you to earn money working traditional office jobs from wherever you want to. The key is focusing on your strengths and honing them to succeed.

Teaching and tutoring

Usually, you’ll need to fulfill your duties through Skype or Google Hangout calls. You’re required to organize and facilitate lessons to teach your client. It’s a great choice if you tend to gravitate towards teaching and instructing or if you have an education degree.

Teaching and tutoring

There are many subjects you could teach ranging from traditional maths to more advanced ones like web design and development.

Content writing and copywriting

With most brands and businesses making the transition to the digital world, it’s one of the hottest careers in freelancing today. The great thing about it is that you’re able to focus on certain niches and target clients that are in need of writers for those niches.

Additionally, you don’t need any formal training or experience to snag clients. All you need to do is present your skill properly. One thing you should look into is creating an online portfolio where you post articles and samples to show your clients.

copywriting example2

However, you do need to be able to focus on writing different pieces of content, research and validate facts, and make sure you’re able to meet your client’s expectations.

Graphic design

Graphic designers are among those in high demand due to the need for quick and effective visual presentations for businesses due to the rise of social media platforms. 

However, you do need to be prepared to showcase your portfolio and invest in tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and more.

3. Creating a product

You’ll be surprised at how many people are actively looking for new and innovative products online. This can be anything from selling handmade crafts to publishing an ebook.

The great thing about this venture is you’re able to actively do something that can possibly be a source of unlimited revenue if you play your cards right. That means you need to be willing to work towards a consistent marketing strategy for your product and research ways on how to make it profitable.


Here are a few things you should consider and keep in mind to guarantee your success.

Identify profitability

Just because you have a product doesn’t mean it will automatically be profitable. It also isn’t guaranteed to be a success. There are so many product-based businesses that fail simply because they’re not putting enough thought into the profitability of their business model.

Take a minute to think long and hard about what makes some of the most successful products in the world successful. It’s their usefulness and the fact that they’re designed to add value to their target consumer’s lives.

Think about it: Apple continues to reap hundreds of thousands - if not millions of dollars in revenue each day for their products. You could argue that tech companies tend to do very well.

However, that is not always true. Companies like Nokia have seen a significant dip in their sales and popularity when brands like Apple and Samsung rise simply because they weren’t smart about their product.

Determine your target audience

This is where you’re supposed to build your ideal customer persona. The key to being able to sell your product is to know where and who to sell it to. Here are some of my top tips for accomplishing this:

  • Take the time to think about who you think your customers are. Where they live, what they like, what their interests are, etc.
  • Determine what value your business can bring to them.
  • Focus on platforms where your ideal customers are most active.

4. Applying to become a virtual friend

As weird as it sounds, there are many people looking for online friends who aren’t you know, secretly serial killers or weird old people looking for their next victim. The cool thing about this job is that you’re basically expected to spend time and hang out with other people on the internet. It sounds fishy, but it’s completely safe and the best part about it is that it’s platonic and very straightforward.

virtual friend

The job description and title are one and the same. You legitimately get paid to make friends online. And the pay isn’t too shabby either. You could earn as much as $50 per hour just chatting with someone.

What sites pay you to become an online friend?

There are many sites out there where you can earn money. Make sure you practice caution with each transaction even though most of these sites are relatively safe and legitimate.

  • Rent a Friend - you can earn anywhere from $15 to $50 an hour. What makes it unique is that you’re able to also set preferences to meet physically. The site is a membership-only site for clients so it means you’re relatively safer compared to free sites and your earnings don’t get commission subtracted.
  • Rent a Cyber Friend - this site is a bit more secure in terms of it requiring you to list more information as well as your social platforms. This means you’re less likely to get catfished and as the name suggests - you’re restricted to keeping things strictly online.
  • FriendPC - what makes this platform unique is that you can set exactly how you want to be contacted by your clients. You can choose from SMS, online calls, and even chatrooms among other options. Alternatively, it’s also a great platform if you want to get started on your life coaching journey.

5. Pursuing a career as a graphic designer

Graphic design is an increasingly popular career choice for many artists and creatives. If you’re not keen on becoming a freelancer and roughing it out on your own, there are many companies that provide employment for graphic designers.

graphic design

You could start with print shops and go from there especially if you don’t have the experience. Due to the nature of the work, graphic designers are often handsomely paid for their efforts. After all, creating entire visual campaigns isn’t for the light-hearted.

What is expected of me as a graphic designer?

  • Edit photos to make them more appealing and more professional. In some cases, you may be required to work with pictures taken by a photographer and edit them into campaigns or enhance them.
  • Create posters and other visual campaign requirements. This includes anything from logos to ads.
  • Design the digital storefront of a business. Some graphic designers are required to give their artistic input on maintaining a brand’s image cohesive throughout all platforms from social media to the website.

6. Applying as a virtual assistant

As previously mentioned, the fact that most businesses are moving to a digital storefront has created a well of job opportunities that don’t require traditional attendance like heading to the office or even being in the same country.

Many venture owners have started outsourcing virtual assistants to help out with varying degrees of work from filing customer information to running the support backend of their company.

Applying as a virtual assistant

High-ranking virtual assistants make over $200 on a typical shift especially if you’re required to perform a variety of tasks that are usually reserved for different professionals.

Here are a few tips to help you succeed as a virtual assistant:

  • Listen to your client before accepting their offer. Make sure you keep your ears open and think about what your client needs before agreeing. Under delivering could not only hurt your career, but it could also hurt other people’s business.
  • Clarify any gray areas related to tasks. Do not be a “yes-man” make sure you ask questions in order to execute your tasks more efficiently.
  • Ask for criticism and feedback regularly. Clients appreciate it when you’re focused on doing what’s best for them and their business. Ask for their opinions before they have a chance to give it to you.

7. Becoming a life coach

Now, more than ever there is an increase in demand for life coaches. With an average revenue of $40,000 a month, it’s no wonder why many try their hand at this lucrative career choice. Of course, it requires a significant amount of hard work in order for you to find success in the industry.


Here are a few helpful tips to get your life coaching business on the right track:

Find your niche

There are different areas in which you can specialize. Make sure you consider all your options and choose one to focus on. After all, you can’t be an all-in-one coach, it’s simply unethical not to mention stressful for all parties involved.

This gives you a direction in which you are able to focus on your content, advices, practices, and even allows you to target your audience considerably better.

Plan your services and pricing

To get your advertising and client-capturing days moving along smoothly, one of the things you need to focus on is determining exactly what you want to offer your clients and how much you’ll charge for your services.

Build a reputable online presence

For this part, you may want to invest in a social media manager especially if you have no idea how to build a presence.

The main thing you need to keep in mind is that you should focus on valuable content instead of focusing on advertising. This will not only improve your visibility but show potential clients that you are reliable and worth their time.

8. Reselling products

Dropshipping and buy and sell ventures are popular for a reason: it helps you build your revenue with very little effort. Although you still need to put in a significant amount of work into your business, you eliminate the need for actually creating your own product.


Something you need to keep in mind is that you’re also able to start reselling products in some cases without investing money into the products themselves.

For example, some dropshippers will let you post photos of their products and you only have to pay for them once you purchase them.

Here are some of my top tips to help you succeed as a reseller.

Maintain honesty

Be upfront about the products you resell. Don’t hype them up only to disappoint once they’re delivered. In this industry, the main factor that contributes to your success is your reputation.

Look for reputable and reliable suppliers

As much as possible, take the time to read reviews. Do your research, and ask as many questions and proof of transactions and customer satisfaction as you can.

This will help you maintain an image of trust with your customers. Plus, it’s difficult to succeed if you’re reselling mediocre stuff.

Buy low

Look for the cheapest high-quality supplier you can find. Always look for value and offer your products at a reasonable price.

Remember, a $100 markup can only do so much if you only sell one or two a week.

9. Becoming a social media manager

Social media managers are in high demand because - let’s face it, not everyone is cut out for creating and managing their own social media. I’ll be honest, I need help from time to time too. Otherwise, things get overwhelming very quickly and I get next to nothing done instead.

Drive traffic through social media platforms

Social media managers are in charge of running a business’ socials. Depending on your agreement with your client, this could mean responding to customer queries, creating and posting content, or simply growing their following.

One of the best aspects of social media management is that you can work throughout the day at any time you like. And because of how demanding the job usually is, SMMs are paid handsomely (around $750 a month per client).

And because of the way it works, you can work remotely as well as work with multiple clients at the same time given that you don’t neglect your duties.

Here are some of the ways you can succeed as a social media manager:

Prioritize perfecting your knowledge on social media platforms

The top thing you need to focus on is to make sure you master your craft. Your tools are social platforms like Facebook and Instagram which means you need to not only be familiar with how they work, but you also need to make sure you know how to work the platforms effectively.

Research on the client’s competitors

An effective SMM makes sure your client is not only up to par with their competitors, but that they’re able to compete with them on every level with a good chance of surpassing them.

This also gives you a good source of ideas for content and it also gives you an idea of how you can improve your client’s social strategy.

Utilize your analytics tools

Your performance reports are there for a reason. They tell you precisely how to effectively beat any algorithm that might affect the visibility of the accounts you’re holding.

Use these tools to more efficiently determine the best times to post, and how to better target your audience.

10. Applying to test softwares or websites

If you’re looking for an income source that doesn’t require any skill whatsoever, you can apply to become a website or software tester. The great thing about this is that you’re usually paid upwards of $10 per test depending on where you’ve signed up.

Testing websites

However, since there are usually more testers than clients, it can be difficult to get work in especially if you’re new.

Here are some sites I recommend if you want to apply as a web and app tester:

User Testing

This site is one of the most popular and reputable in the industry. You’re expected to take a screening test prior to testing each website since their clients are looking for specific users to test their UI.


This platform is one of the most lucrative especially since most senior users are earning upwards of $3000 each month. Their UI is a bit confusing though, so you might want to bring that to their attention.


WUD has one of the simplest signup processes you’ll encounter. You simply need to download their screen recording app and take a practice test. Once qualified, you’ll be receiving 3 to 5 tests each month for $5 per test. However, good performance means you’re eligible to test more sites.

11. Building and designing websites

Web developers and designers are in high demand due to businesses moving to a digital storefront. Unfortunately, business owners usually don’t have the time or skills required to build and design an effective website.

web designer and web developer

This is where web devs come in handy. Developers are paid handsomely for their services and can easily earn five digits for larger projects.

Unfortunately, you do need to have coding knowledge to qualify. You could argue that there are plenty of drag and drop builders on the internet.

However, to truly succeed in this career path, you need to be able to cope with tech trends that go beyond simple preset widgets.

When it comes to website builders, WordPress is the most flexible one I'd recommend. Plus, some premium themes and plugins:

Here are my top tips to succeed as a website designer:

Nurture your communication skills

If you’re not adept at verbally expressing yourself, you’ll need some practice. Building a website goes beyond sitting in front of a computer screen coding away.

You need to factor in your pitching ability as well as be able to effectively discuss the vision and needs of your client while giving your expert opinion.

Plan in advance

Although it’s impossible to dictate exactly how your work progresses, you can get things done more efficiently if you set goals, and plan exactly what needs to be done ahead of time.

This is also a great opportunity to show your client your plans for their website so they’re able to better visualize what the final product will look like.

Another bonus to doing this is that it minimizes the need for multiple revisions once you’ve finished your work.


There are many ways you can earn $200 a day online. None of them qualify as get rich quick schemes if you need to get 200 dollars fast, although not all of them require technical skills. 

The main factor you need to keep in mind is that you should pinpoint what you’d enjoy and what you’re good at.

This will guarantee that you succeed in what you want to pursue and minimize the dreaded hatred for your work down the road.

To help you determine which career path is right for you, ask yourself these things:

  • Is the projected income worth the stress?
  • Am I willing to put in the work for this?
  • Is this a realistic option for me?
  • Am I willing to continue learning to improve and further my career doing this?

About the author 

Peter Keszegh

Most people write this part in the third person but I won't. You're at the right place if you want to start or grow your online business. When I'm not busy scaling up my own or other people' businesses, you'll find me trying out new things and discovering new places. Connect with me on Facebook, just let me know how I can help.

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