How Content Can Become a Part Of Your Online Sales Funnel

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You’ve probably heard a million times that great content is the stepping stone of every success story. But in truth, content is so much more – it’s the main strategist every step of the way. Sure, we all know it’s a super magnet for traffic generation and brand awareness. But have you ever considered how content can serve you through the rest of the sales funnel?

Before we dive into that matter, let’s quickly sketch out what the sales funnel looks like. Picture it as an inverted pyramid:

  • At the top, we’ve got the Awareness stage, where you grab people’s attention.

  • Below that, we find the Interest stage, where you foster a deeper connection.

  • Then comes the Conversion stage (your ultimate goal), where people go from browsers to buyers.

  • Finally, at the base is the Loyalty stage, where customers become repeat buyers and brand advocates.
Sales Funnel

So, how does content fit into all of this? Well, different types of content can be extremely effective in fueling each sales funnel stage. We’re not just talking blogs and social media posts. Think ebooks, webinars, podcasts, personalized email campaigns, UGCs, and even memes.

In this article, we’ll discuss how you can strategically integrate various content types into each stage of your sales funnel. Whether you’re looking to nurture leads, trigger conversions, or ramp up customer loyalty, we’ve got proven tactics that will power-boost your funnel performance.

Integrate premium content into your product

Let’s discuss content that’s so irresistible it becomes an integral part of your sales proposition. This goes beyond blog posts and newsletters. Premium content is about exclusive reports, in-depth analyses, how-to guides, or even advanced software features.

The goal here is to elevate your content from just an Awareness-stage asset to a conversion tool.

By offering unique, high-value content, you’re not just generating awareness or piquing interest – you’re crafting an enticing package.

Let’s say your core offer is a subscription to an online course. You can incorporate exclusive webinars or ebooks available only to subscribers. That makes the whole package (an online course plus webinars and ebooks) much more compelling.

This way, you’ll amplify interest and inch people closer to conversion because they see a greater ROI (Return on Investment) for their subscription.

For a practical take, let’s look at MarketBeat, a premium outlet for stock market news and research tools. Their basic offer includes many reports, such as the Standard & Poor 500 stocks report.

Integrate Premium Content into Your Product

This report is a great asset in itself, but a subscription unlocks a goldmine: advanced filters and data points that a serious investor would drool over. And that’s not all. Subscribers also get best-in-class portfolio monitoring, stock ideas and recommendations, and advanced stock screeners, among other features.

Integrate Premium Content into Your Product-2

That’s the clincher – MarketBeat doesn’t rely solely on these added features. They’re using premium content as a hook to nudge users from the Interest stage towards conversion. You came for the stock reports, but you’ll stay for the top-notch tools and insights. That’s how MarketBeat gets you to subscribe.

So, why not take a leaf from their book? Make your content not just an entrance but an entire pathway that guides your audience through your sales funnel.

Be bold with CTAs in appropriate content pieces

You should be able to recognize when it’s time to be fearless with your Calls to Action (CTAs). Some in your audience aren’t window-shopping; they’re already ready to buy. They’re at the cusp of the Conversion stage, just looking for that nudge to tip them over.

This is your chance to create content that’s not just informative but directive. It should tell these leads what to do next in no uncertain terms.

Craft content that speaks their language, meeting them where they are in their buying journey. Don’t be subtle when suggesting where they should be heading next. Be confident and point them directly in the right direction.

Bold CTAs aren’t just a fine addition here. They’re essential! Whether it’s “Sign Up,” “Buy Now,” or “Get Started,” a compelling CTA can make a world of difference.

To get a better sense of this, let’s talk about Eachnight, a top platform offering insights and resources for better sleep. In their “Best Mail Order Mattresses” guide, they take no prisoners. Each mattress review in the guide is more than just a passive information dump. They come loaded with bold CTAs that lead you straight to the product pages. The intention, of course, is to facilitate immediate purchases.

Be Bold with CTAs in Appropriate Content Pieces

Eachnight knows that their audience in this context is already hanging out in the Conversion stage. The readers are virtually saying, “I need a great mattress, and I’m ready to buy.”

So, Eachnight delivers with CTAs that are as direct as the Google Maps lady leading you to your destination. The readers are ready, and Eachnight serves it right up, moving them from the Conversion stage to the actual purchase.

Follow their approach and design your content with bold, actionable CTAs where they make sense. Don’t hold back because your audience will start looking for someone who doesn’t.

Tell customer stories

Let’s shift gears and tap into the power of storytelling. Wonder why? Well, because stories build trust, humanize your brand, and pack a powerful emotional punch that leads to overcoming barriers to conversion.

Stories aren’t fairy tales when it comes to selling. They’re potent business tools that can secure that last stretch of credibility that you need to seal the deal.

Take Zendesk, the popular CRM platform, as a prime example. They serve up some of the most elaborate customer stories you’ll find, diving into intricate details of how they’ve boosted their clients’ performance.

For instance, consider their case study on how Limeade facilitates global expansion with Zendesk. This customer story is chock-full of measurable metrics – things like quicker implementation times, reduction in response times, decreased ticket-resolving times, and slashed escalation rates.

People love numbers. They’re the universal language of business. When a B2B customer sees how Zendesk can genuinely impact their bottom line, it’s a lot easier to commit to that subscription.

Despite it's comprehensive approach, exploring Zendesk alternatives can reveal solutions that might align more closely with different operational needs or strategic goals.

Tell Customer Stories

The story is so detailed that it accomplishes two critical things:

  • First, it showcases Zendesk’s value in stark, irrefutable numbers.
  • Second, it whisks readers through the Interest stage and prepares them straight for conversion.

Switching to the B2C arena, let’s look at Away, a luggage and travel accessories brand. They leverage User-Generated Content (UGC) on social media to let their customers do the storytelling.

Think Instagram posts packed with happy faces, beautiful travel spots, and, of course, Away luggage front and center. The tales often involve sentimental memories, striking emotional chords that no conventional ad can replicate.

Away’s approach does more than a simple display of a pretty product. It weaves the product into the narrative of people’s lives.

Tell Customer Stories-2

This brilliant tactic catapults visitors straight through the Interest phase and nudges them into the Conversion stage. When prospects see real people experiencing genuine moments (and attributing part of that joy to an Away product), they think, “I appreciate this. I want in on the experience.”

So whether you’re B2B or B2C, pull the storytelling card. It’s an engaging and compelling strategy that moves your leads away from the edge of interest, over hurdles of doubt, and lands them right into conversion.

Enable conversion on your content page

Here’s a tip that’s bound to supercharge your conversion rates: Transform your content page into a mini product page.

We’re talking about creating content so specialized and focused that it virtually serves as a landing page for a specific product. The goal is to reduce friction in the lead’s journey, making the transition from Interest to Conversion as smooth as a well-oiled machine.

It’s best to examine this tactic through a real-life example. FOCL, a brand in the plant-based wellness solutions sector, nails it perfectly. Let’s explore their dedicated page for “CBD Gummies for Men” to see this in action.

Product section

First, they deliver a product section. This space isn’t a placeholder or a subtle hint. It’s a bold, ready-to-buy product display.You see the product, the price, and a straightforward “Buy Now” button. It’s all right there – no need to navigate away or search through a catalog. You’re already on the verge of conversion. FOCL understands this and utilizes it to their advantage.

Product Section

Content section

Then, there’s the content section that complements this beautifully. Instead of just throwing a product in your face, they offer all the nitty-gritty details you’d want.What are the gummies made of? How do they benefit men specifically? They even include testimonials, trust badges, and FAQs to back up their claims.By providing this content, FOCL eliminates any lingering questions or doubts a prospective buyer might have.

Content Section

So why does this duo (product and content) work like magic? The product section urges immediate action. It’s the call of the Conversion stage. Meanwhile, the content section works tirelessly to validate that call. It offers just enough information to make you feel informed, confident, and ready to finalize your purchase.

So, if you’ve got a product that could shine in its own spotlight, why not give it the stage it deserves? Reduce the steps needed to convert by turning your content pages into conversion hubs.

Help customers get the most out of their purchases

Now, let’s focus a bit on the Loyalty stage – the sweet spot where one-time customers transform into raving fans.

Want to know the secret recipe for loyalty? It’s called education. If you teach your customers how to squeeze every ounce of value from your product, they’ll not only stick around but become your brand ambassadors as well.

Mailchimp, the email marketing and automation giant, is a master at this. They don’t just teach their customers how to shoot emails but give them the wisdom to do it like a pro.

Take their “Targeting 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Segmentation” post, for instance. It’s a comprehensive, deep-dive tutorial on one of the most crucial aspects of email marketing.

Help Customers Get the Most Out of Their Purchases

So, what makes this a Loyalty-stage home run? Two words: empowerment and realization. When a Mailchimp user reads this guide, they’re empowered with the tools and strategies to up their email marketing game.

And the realization kicks in when they understand that they already have access to the powerful platform they need to implement these newfound strategies. The guide essentially says, “You’ve got the keys to this Ferrari – here’s how to enjoy it to the fullest.”

When people realize they’ve been sitting on a goldmine, they’re likely to spread the word about how invaluable your product is.

So, go ahead and invest in creating educational content that adds immense value to your existing products. It’s a win-win – you’re nurturing a community of well-informed customers who, in turn, become loyal advocates for your brand.

Confidently put your product next to your competitors’

Our last tactic might sound counterintuitive at first: Highlight your product side-by-side with your competitors. You may wonder why bother doing so. Well, it’s because it shows you’re confident enough to stand toe-to-toe with other brands in your space while also offering a touch of objectivity that can be downright magnetic.

Customers love choice, but they also respect a brand that’s so confident that it’s willing to be judged side-by-side with the competition. Plus, it can reel in visitors who are deep into the Interest stage and almost ready to convert. 

Take, an investment firm focused on small businesses and startups, as an eye-opening example. They’re also affiliated with, a top-tier newsletter for investors and entrepreneurs. They choose to promote this newsletter in their “7 Best Investing Newsletters” article, right alongside other big-hitters in the industry.

Here’s why this is so clever for their sales funnel: People seeking the best investing newsletters are likely already interested in making smarter investment moves. They’re practically begging to be converted and just want to know they’re making the right choice.

Confidently Put Your Product Next to Your Competitors

By confidently positioning their newsletter alongside other reputable options, shows they aren’t afraid of a little comparison because they know they offer something great.

Showcasing their newsletter in the roundup helps them send potential customers straight into their marketing funnel as well.

When someone signs up for the newsletter, they’re not just getting useful insights. They’re entering a well-crafted sales funnel designed to guide them to’s investment services. The roundup serves as both a point of interest and a gateway to conversion.

So, if you’ve got the guts to stand next to your competitors, you’re already a winner in your customers’ eyes. You demonstrate maturity, objectivity, and extreme confidence in what you’re offering.

Final thoughts

Above, we have unpacked some game-changing tactics to make your content work smarter, not just harder. From integrating premium content and using bold CTAs to telling compelling customer stories and educating for loyalty, these strategies can revolutionize how you approach your sales funnel.

Remember, content isn’t just a billboard on the side of the information highway – it’s the GPS guiding your customers from brand awareness to brand loyalty. Whether you’re educating potential customers or giving them the tools they need to maximize value post-purchase, your content can – and should – play an active role in every stage of the sales funnel.

So don’t just throw your content into the void and hope for the best. Use these strategies to create a content ecosystem that actively guides users from one funnel stage to the next. Now go turn those leads into loyal customers!

About the author 

Peter Keszegh

Most people write this part in the third person but I won't. You're at the right place if you want to start or grow your online business. When I'm not busy scaling up my own or other people' businesses, you'll find me trying out new things and discovering new places. Connect with me on Facebook, just let me know how I can help.

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