The Benefits Of A Newsletter Sign Up Forms For Your Website

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For business owners nowadays, a website is a crucial part to the business whether it’s boost revenue and sales to highlighting the brand’s presence. There are many ways in which you can elevate your site and make it more engaging for your users to explore, one of which can be newsletter sign up forms. 

Newsletter sign up forms are what bridge the communication between business and the customer, or lead depending on where they are in the sales funnel. However, not all websites have this form available and as a result, could be missing a critical opportunity to engage with their audience.

In this article, you’ll get an understanding of how important email marketing is in 2021, as well as some of the benefits that come with implementing newsletter sign up forms to your website. If that wasn’t enough, we’ll take you through a few quick tips on how to introduce these forms to your site - you’re welcome!

How email marketing is thriving in 2021

According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing drives $44 for every $1 spent. Email is one of the main channels of communication between the business and the user. Whether they’re already a paying customer or a potential lead, email marketing can be a great way to connect with your audience.

Newsletter Sign Up

There are also many more users online now that have access to email, with some checking their emails several times a day. That activity on emails has only increased due to the popularity of mobile usage. Our smartphones have become mini desktop computers and our own personal office for those on the go.

Of course, we cannot forget that the pandemic has seen a lot of businesses shift their marketing approach. With more people working from home, more investment has gone into email and digital marketing in general. More people are opening up their emails during COVID-19 and email sends were up 19% from February 2020 to March 2020.

With newsletters having an average open rate at 23.4% and the average click-through rate being 17.8%, it pays to incorporate sign up forms on your site. 

Five benefits of using newsletter sign up forms for your website

Creating and implementing newsletter sign up forms isn’t difficult and for the little effort it requires, there are some great benefits to using them on your site.

Gives your users something more to interact with

Stepping onto a new site for the first time is exciting. As a user, you’re experiencing everything that the website has to offer and a newsletter sign up form can be an excellent addition. Even for customers who’ve been on your site before, they might not have yet signed up for your newsletter. That’s why it’s important to introduce something new and to update the site from time to time.

Gives your users something more to interact with

Customer experience is a big influence on your website’s success and that of your business too. If you’re leaving them with a good first impression or maintaining that same level of experience, then it’s going to pay off. 

24% of customers that have a good first impression are the ones that are most likely to remain loyal for up to two years. It’s not just about single transactions anymore but repeat customers who are helping sustain your business for the long term. By giving your users something more to interact with, it gives them more reason to come back again and again.

Develops customer loyalty to your business

As a business, it’s important to find ways of achieving more loyalty from your customers. With many competitors on the market, your regular customers could always end up straying to the dark side.

With a newsletter sign up form on your site, it’s an inviting opportunity for customers to learn more about the business. With email marketing, you can collect email and any relevant data, which can then be segmented to further personalize what they receive.

It’s surprising what effect it can have on the user when they see their first name mentioned in an email. Even if it’s one that’s been sent to thousands of other recipients, it can make that user feel special. When your customers see you going that extra bit further to impress, they’re more likely to make you their number one when it comes to the products or services you provide.

Don’t believe us? Well, 56% of customers stay loyal to brands that “get them” according to Small Biz Genius. That’s over half of the individuals surveyed, so it’s a telling insight to say the least.

Improves volume of traffic to your web pages

Traffic plays an important role in your website’s presence on the internet. The more traffic going to your site, the higher you will likely rank when it comes to the SERPs. Whilst traffic is good, you want to have quality traffic heading to your web pages and that can be done through email newsletters

When the user signs up for your newsletter, they will hopefully get tailored emails that will often include a relevant CTA. That could be sending the user to a new product page or getting them to share a webpage via their social media handles.

Improves volume of traffic to your web pages

By targeting specific web pages, these users are going to contribute to the traffic your site’s pages receive. Many more people off the back of your user’s sharing the pages, will also visit your site and ultimately, this snowballs. 

There are a lot of websites that are active on the internet and despite your niche or the industry you operate in, you’re facing competitors left, right and centre. With everyone pitching for that top spot on the SERPS, it’s good to find ways of driving more traffic to your site.

Another way to market your product or services

Email marketing can serve as another way to help promote and sell your product or services. It’s also a direct approach to getting the announcement of a new product in front of your customers at a much faster rate.

Not all of your customers will visit your site regularly and so signing up for a newsletter will alert them to anything new and exciting going on. A lot of customers will need that because of everything else going on, remembering to go on a website can be easily forgotten about. 

However, having an email with a link to send the customer over to the site can be a good reminder. When it comes to influencing over purchasing, marketing and advertising emails influence the buying decision of 50.7% of customers

Good for nurturing and converting leads

Not every user who comes onto your website will want to convert into a paying customer straight away. There are many different customer types when it comes to online shopping or web browsing in general. Some are more committed than others to new businesses and that’s why a newsletter sign up form is essential.

Having that data in your hands when they sign up is an opportunity to nurture the lead and hopefully down the line, convert them. Without a mailing list, you’re losing out on those customers. Just because they take a bit more effort in securing, doesn’t mean you should discard the use of sign up forms. 

How to introduce newsletter sign up forms for your website

If you’ve never created a sign up form for your website before, then it’s handy to know a few tips.

Create the sign up form 

Firstly, you’ll want to create the sign up form itself. There are some great newsletter signup examples that Flodesk has provided and as a tool, Flodesk is great for designing these forms. Not only that, but it can be a great platform for creating all your email marketing.

Think about the style and design, making sure that it matches the aesthetic and branding of your site.

Consider using multiple styles

There are multiple styles of forms that you could include on your site. Some could be in the form of a pop-up, whilst others might be a little more detailed when asking for information. Be wary of what information you ask for, especially nowadays when it comes to data collection.

Trial and error the location of the form

Finally, be sure to trial and error the location of your forms. It might be that some forms do better at collecting subscribers than others do. Some may not get any whatsoever, so it’s good to be attentive to what’s working and what isn’t. That way, you can remove any forms that aren’t serving their purpose and utilize that webspace for something else. 

Provide growth for your website with these forms

Newsletter sign up forms can be a great way to grow your website whether that’s giving your users a better experience or boosting your sales and online presence. It’s all useful to do in order to generate more success for your business going forward.

About the author 

Natalie Redman

Freelance writer for many clients across multiple industries. Natalie has two years of copywriting experience. Natalie has a wide range of experience copywriting for web pages for businesses across many industries. She’s also an owner of two blog websites and a Youtube content creator.

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